Connect. You in relationships.
Your social connections might include close friends, acquaintances, and society in general. Think about the richness of these connections.
I feel socially isolated. I don't have real friends. I tend to have frequent conflict with people.
I have at least one person I would consider to be my best friend. I have a circle of friends I like to hang out with. My friends are a source of joy. When I think of something funny, I can't wait to share it with them.
Marital (or significant other)
An intimate relationship with another human can be a source of joy. It can also equally be a source of heartache and pain.
I would describe my current relationship as painful. I don't want to be with my current partner. I can't wait for it to be over. My relationship is a source of constant conflict.
I love my partner deeply. Our relationship continues to grow. I can tell my partner anything and everything without worry of rejection. My partner and I invest time and attention into our relationship. When I'm not with my partner, I can't wait to be reunited.
Familial (your role in the family from parent, sibling, child, etc.)
Family life can be a roller coaster of fun and defeat. Think of what it's like to be in your role in your family. If you hold more than one role (parent, child, sibling), focus on one role in one family.
If I'm honest, I don't enjoy my role in the family. I don't feel prepared for my role. And if I'm really honest, I don't even like these people. There is constant conflict. I can't wait to be away from them.
My family is a source of joy in my life. I love my role in this family. I feel like I was born for it. My family members feel comfortable sharing their intimate thoughts with me. We resolve conflicts quickly.
2 out of 3
Contribute. Your achievements.
How do you "make a living?" What are you paid to do? How do you feel about your job, career, or business?
If I'm honest, I hate my job. I'm actively seeking something else to do. When my day off starts to come to an end, I feel a sense of anxiety or dread. I wish I could do something else for a living.
My work is a source of pride and joy for me. I love what I'm doing. I have all of the autonomy I need. I'm regularly acknowledged for the work I do. I am learning new things and achieving mastery. I'm very satisfied with my compensation and benefits.
Do you feel financially stable and secure? When you think about money, do you feel comfortable? Or, are finances a constant source of worry?
When it comes to earning and spending money, I constantly worry. I don't feel like I'm earning enough to cover our costs and save for the future. I am concerned about the amount of debt I owe.
I consider myself to be financially secure. I have enough savings and investments. My income is plenty for all that I need, and a little bit extra. I'm able to share with others from a place of abundance. I have little or no debt, which is well within my means.
Avocation (hobbies or causes)
What do you do just for the sake of doing it? Do you enjoy music, theater, or cooking? Are you volunteering for a cause that you're passionate about? This is what you do even when you're not paid to do it.
I don't have the time or energy to do anything that interests me. All I do is work and family. There is no capacity for the things that bring me pleasure. I'm not involved with civic or religious groups.
I have all the time, talent, and treasure I need to pursue my interests. I am seeking mastery in something, just because I am passionate about it. I have a chance to bond with other people who share my passion. If I choose to, I can volunteer in a non-profit, civic organization, or other organization.
3 out of 3